Friday, December 14, 2007

The case against making sex videos

Ok this isn’t really about sex videos but what better way to get your attention. The video that has gotten more attention than one staring Paris Hilton is one I’m glad we’ll never see. It seems that someone at the CIA decided to record the interrogations of two of the terrorists that were involved in financing and planning the attacks on 9/11. I’m not sure what was on their mind but just like making a sex video one should not record something that might not be pleasant for someone else to watch.

I’m willing to admit that I’m not half as attractive as Paris Hilton and I’m equally sure that no one is interested in seeing me on video. (Although the thought of it as a way to get terrorists to confess might convince me to start the camera) Whatever methods that the CIA interrogators used to break these animals down in order to save American lives are ok by me. Despite what the ACLU, Congressional Democrats and some of the other enemies of our country think, these folks who have been captured are entitled to neither Constitutional nor Geneva Convention protections. The attempt to try and twist the definitions to allow these terrorists access to our courts is both dangerous and shortsighted. The don’t seem to understand; the terrorists hate them too.

The CIA by destroying the tapes accomplished two things: they prevented the identities of the interrogators from becoming public which would place their lives in jeopardy and they flushed out the members of congress that we can add to the list of terrorist sympathizers. Yes, I know they say that he tapes were destroyed to prevent us from seeing that the current administration is engaged in torture. They postulate that we need to expose the methods we use so they will not continue and we can restore America’s moral standing in the world. To be honest with you I really don’t care whether our enemies like us or not. For members of congress to try to equate our morality to people who strap bombs to their children, hack off the heads of journalists with dull swords and want to execute a teacher for letting 7 year olds name a stuffed teddy bear Mohammad is mind boggling.

According to the CIA they used a procedure known as water boarding to extract information fro two high value targets. If you are not sure what water boarding is watch the movie G.I. Jane. (Is it just me or does Demi Moore look hot with a shaved head?) The procedure is regularly used in on our own military during special operations training. If it’s ok to use it on our own troops, it’s ok to use on a guy who was responsible for murdering 9 of my friends at the World Trade Center. Actually if I had been responsible for the interrogations our two Middle Eastern guests would have looked forward to water boarding like an LA girl looks forward to a trip to Burke- Williams.

Fortunately even as inept as parts of our intelligence services are they know enough not to trust members of congress with secrets. The video would have been leaked to the same people who thought it was important for our enemies to know that we were tracking their phone calls from Ramadi. Until we can rid the halls of Congress of those who give aid and comfort to our enemies I have a word of advice to the CIA. Leave the video taping to the experts. Jenna Jamison is doing just fine in providing us entertainment.

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