Sunday, December 9, 2007


When did Christmas become the new pornography? Has the sight of a Christmas tree or a nativity scene in public become so offensive that the have to be taken out of sight?

We are constantly told that we have to be tolerant of displays and billboards of half naked men and women, subjected to obscene depictions of masochist sex that hang on the walls of our art museums and bombarded by rap lyrics that insult women. If we protest we are labeled sexist, racist or homophobic and we should just deal with it. If we don’t like what we see or hear we just not look or listen. Any effort to protect our children from having to be subjected to this is called censorship and we’re accused of violating the “artists” civil rights. Why can’t Santa get the same protection?

First a short lesson on the first amendment. It was written to protect citizens from the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and it was to protect POLITICAL SPEECH.

If turning away from what offends us is good enough for a picture of a crucifix in a jar of urine why isn’t it good enough for a baby, a few shepherds and handful of sheep? Can’t the folks who are offended by that just turn away? A suggestion to anyone who wants to put a nativity scene out in public; position the shepherds behind the sheep. Santa and the elves are annoying someone. Have the elves engage in a daisy chain. The ACLU will fight to stop that from being removed.

I happen to enjoy seeing scantily clad women, well most of them, but not everyone does. If a big enough segment of the population is offended they will let the people who are displaying it know. When I’m offended by things that I see and hear I don’t support the folks who display it, say it or write it. That’s my right… it’s not censorship… it’s called not giving sponsorship.

So all of you that don’t like to see Christmas trees, hear Merry Christmas or are offended by red and green lights I have some advice. Get Over It. It will be over soon and you can get back to being upset about something else.

If we can protect pornography we can find the time to protect the symbols of Christmas.

Merry Christmas to all

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dad.. I really enjoy reading the things you write. They make me laugh.. but I am sure that that is because im your daughter and we have the same sense of humor and think alot alike.. thats SCARY.. as I was reading the end and ur statement GET OVER IT.. I had the laugh bc I say the same thing.. All the time..