Thursday, December 13, 2007

My Global Warming Fears

Even with all the apocalyptic predictions from the proponents of global warming it wasn’t until today that I actually saw something that made me quiver. No, it wasn’t the unseasonable cold that has hit Los Angeles the last few nights but something I really had not considered. If you’re expecting the answer now, I’m sorry but you are going to have to wait till the end. With the writer’s strike in its 6th week I figured a cliffhanger might come in handy right about now.

With all the hysteria surrounding this issue and constantly being told if we wait another minute it will be too late to save the planet I’m wondering why bother. Didn’t we hear last year if we waited till this year it would be too late? I think I heard the same thing the year before. They are starting to sound like the doctor who told the patient that he had six months to live. When the patient told the doctor he didn’t quite have enough money to pay the bill the doctor gave him another six months.

Look I’m not sure that the entire earth is getting warmer. I’m sure there are some spots that are getting colder. Let us for arguments sake agree that the earth’s temperature will rise by a few degrees in the next decade. So What? Who to say that the temperatures we have now is the optimal temperature anyway. Maybe we would be better off if things were a bit warmer. We would be using less heating oil. Climates that once sustained crop growth in areas that are now barren might return. Does anyone wonder why it was once called Greenland?

If it is actual global warming why must the United States bear the brunt of the blame and the responsibility to correct it anyway? Of all the other developed countries we produce more food, medicine and useful products from every pound of carbon than the rest of the world combined. Despite Al Gore’s crusade to portray us as the great evil and the point of the spear for global destruction, it is America that will always be the best hope for progress and freedom in history. Mr. Gore’s obsession with trying to make us live like a third world country as he jets around the world sticking a knife in our backs is the height of elitist hypocrisy.

Ok. Flashback to the opening scene where the audience learns what horrible revelation scared me so much that I had to sit down and write this. I’ll try to paint the picture.

Me standing next to an increasingly corpulent Al Gore dripping his porcine like sweat onto my suit. Do you know how hard it is to get sweat stains out of a Zegna suit? Oh the horror!

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